Closing The Evidence Gap: Here's how to fix the sales and marketing disconnect by capturing proof points that win buyer trust.

Introducing Research Content: Turn Market Research Into Original Content That Builds Authority

B2B marketing playbooks get old fast, leaving everyone scrambling for new ways to stand out.

The go-to answer? Thought leadership.

Thought leadership is crucial, especially in B2B software, where product differentiation is rare and doesn’t last very long.

But here’s the problem: 71% of decision-makers say less than half of thought leadership provides powerful insights (Brighttail).

The result? A flood of half-hearted blog posts and desperate pleas for CEOs to post on LinkedIn. Our standards have risen, and most content falls short. 

But there’s one type of content that consistently delivers: original research. 

Data-backed studies that share market sentiment, uncover new trends, and provide real insights—from industry peers in the trenches every day. 

Today, we’re launching UserEvidence Research Content, a new solution that makes creating data-backed thought leadership content easier and more affordable for B2B marketing teams.

What is UserEvidence Research Content?

Research Content is a full-service offering that turns market research into original thought leadership content.

What does full-service mean? It means we deliver an end-to-end process. 

We help by:

  • Defining your goals
  • Framing the POV for your content
  • Sourcing panels based on your audience’s criteria
  • Designing your survey questions
  • Sending surveys and collecting responses
  • Distilling insights and creating the actual content

And we can even design your final report if you don’t have the internal resources to do it yourself.

From start to finish – the entire process takes just 90 days. 

Our customers have used Research Content to create:

  • ‘State of…’ industry trend reports
  • Tactical how-to guides based on approaches from industry peers
  • Thought leadership around market movement (using data to back it up)

How Immuta builds authority with Research Content

Our friends at Immuta have produced two original research reports with us so far. The 2024 State of Data Security report and the AI Security and Governance report. 

These reports give Immuta a unique differentiator when it comes to thought leadership:

Heather Devane
Director of Brand & Content
Thought leadership content is a strong driver of brand awareness for us. Publishing reports with proprietary data is a more effective way to increase awareness than sponsored content because the information can’t be found from other vendors. Having ownership over the data allows us to frame and market it in a way that best fits our brand, which in turn helps us capitalize on trends that are relevant to our target audience.

Original research content gives your brand a defensible position in crowded markets.

You become buyers’ go-to source of information when they want their questions answered or need help in their role. Immuta is now the source of data used by their audience to prove ideas, show market movement, and get tactical tips on topics they care about.

The best part is, this content serves Immuta’s GTM team just as much as it does their buyers. Here’s how it’s being used in their funnel:

How to get it and how it works

Research Content is available on our Enterprise plans. Our customer success team (Hey Jayana, Ian, Tom) will guide you through every step of the way. 

The entire process is split into four simple steps. 

  1. Define your research thesis—We work with you to develop your hypothesis, ideal audience, and create your research survey.
  2. Research period—We do the leg work of the research itself while you get to focus on the other important initiatives you’re juggling.
  3. Distill insights and report creation—We come together with insights and a draft report for review and revision.
  4. Content design (Optional)—We deliver you a final, designed report ready to bring to market. 

We’ve worked to make the process as easy and effective as possible for you, solving many of the significant challenges B2B marketing teams encounter when creating original research content.

Why work with UserEvidence? 

If original research is so great, why don’t more companies do it?

It’s not easy to pull off. Traditional analysts and agencies doing this work cost a fortune and take up to six months for a single report. 

B2B marketing teams try taking on original research themselves, creating a new set of problems. Multiple internal functions must dedicate time to this project, and research requires a specific skill set that most B2B marketers lack. 

Our research experience, partner relationships, and taste for great content have allowed us to build an offering that eliminates the headaches of original research for our customers. 

It provides a scalable option for producing data-driven content that just plain works. Your research is third-party verified from UserEvidence, so readers can trust that your data is vetted and credible. 

Heather Devane
Director of Brand & Content
We’ve worked with various vendors in the past to publish reports, but the process with UserEvidence has been particularly smooth. We've saved time refining the research thanks to their feedback, and the quality of content they produce allowed us to move from draft to final product in a matter of weeks. This has sped up our timeline, allowed us to better line up campaigns, and freed up our team to work on other projects while the surveys are fielded and drafted.

A vision for data-driven storytelling

Our mission so far has been to make it easier for B2B marketers to gather, curate, and distribute verified customer evidence for their entire GTM team. 

We want to help you become the answer to boring content. 

Research Content allows us to incorporate the broader market into our customers’ equations. Working with UserEvidence now means you can gather insights from your customers and the market, turning both into compelling content your GTM team will thank (and love) you for. 

We’re excited to offer Research Content to customers on our Enterprise plans. You can learn more about our Customer Evidence Platform here.

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Mark from UserEvidence

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