Closing The Evidence Gap: Here's how to fix the sales and marketing disconnect by capturing proof points that win buyer trust.

Turn research into original content that builds authority

UserEvidence Research Content is your one-stop shop for creating compelling thought leadership that turns heads in your industry.

 Trusted by the biggest names in B2B

Be the answer to boring content

The fight for credibility doesn’t have to mean another listicle. Original research defines industries, differentiates brands, and helps people in their day-to-day work. Drive your brand forward by becoming the source of industry trends and best practices from real practitioners. All backed by verified, third-party research.

How it works

We are your research partner every step of the way. Let us handle the heavy lifting from research design, to sourcing your ideal audience, and creating the report. All within 90 days.

Why partner with us


From idea to report in 90 days

No more waiting six months to get your industry report out, no more battling for time from different internal teams to get content out the door. We handle everything for you within a quarter. No sweat.


We know survey design

All great research starts with the right questions. The UserEvidence team has been running surveys for over a decade, and we bring that experience to every research project. We’ll work with you directly to optimize for authentic insights.


Always the right audience

Exciting results from the wrong people don’t mean a thing. You need the right respondents, and enough of them to be significant. We only source practitioners from your desired industry to make sure your research is meaningful. 


Your trusted third-party research partner

All research you do with UserEvidence is verified. We act as an independent third-party to confirm your results are legitimate. You can rest assured the insights you share from a UserEvidence research content report are trustworthy and credible.

Driving brand awareness

Our newest report launched only two weeks ago. We've already gotten picked up by three media outlets, are capturing leads, and the sales team is leveraging stats in their presentations.
Heather Devane
Director of Brand & Content, Immuta

The Evidence Gap​ report

We surveyed 619 B2B buyers, sellers, and marketers to uncover the exact types of customer proof that actually build trust and boost buyer confidence.

Available on UserEvidence Enterprise plans

Research Content is available for UserEvidence customers on Enterprise plans. You must have an active UserEvidence subscription to get access to Research Content, it’s not available as a standalone service. Learn more about our Customer Evidence Platform below to learn about the entire UserEvidence offering.Â