Closing The Evidence Gap: Here's how to fix the sales and marketing disconnect by capturing proof points that win buyer trust.

UserEvidence Research Methodology

We’ve outlined our approach to research and the principles that guide all our offerings at UserEvidence. You can trust you have a credible third-party research partner when you work with us.

UserEvidence Research Principles

These principles guide all research efforts at UserEvidence—whether working with a vendor’s users for our Customer Evidence offering, or industry practitioners in a specific field for our Research Content offering.

The goal of these principles is to give buyers trust and confidence that you are viewing authentic and verified research based on real user feedback, without interference, bias, and spin from the vendor.


Identity verification

In every study we conduct, UserEvidence independently verifies that a participant in our research study is a real user of a vendor (in the case of Customer Evidence) or an industry practitioner (in the case of Research Content).

We use a variety of human and algorithmic verification mechanisms, including corporate email domain verification (ie so a vendor can’t just create 17 gmail addresses that all give positive reviews), and pattern-based bot and AI deflection.


Significance and representation

UserEvidence believes trust is built by showing an honest and complete representation of the success (or lack thereof) of users.

We pursue statistical significance in our research, and substantiate our findings with a large and representative set of user responses to create more confidence in our analysis.

We aim to canvas a diverse swatch of users across industries, seniorities, personas – to provide the whole picture of usage, and allow buyers to find relevant data from other users in their segment, not just a handful of vendor-curated happy customers.


Quality and independence

UserEvidence is committed to producing quality and independent research at all times.

This starts at beginning of the research process with survey and questionnaire design to drive accurate and substantive responses.

We aim to reduce bias in our study design, and use large sample sizes of respondents where possible. While UserEvidence is compensated by the vendor for conducting the research, trust is our business and our priority, and we do not allow vendors to change, influence, or misrepresent the results (even if they are unfavorable) at any time.



We believe research should not be done in a black box.

For transparency, all UserEvidence research includes the statistical N (number of respondents), and buyers can explore the underlying blinded (de-identified) raw data and responses associated with any statistic, chart, or study.

UserEvidence provides clear citation guidelines for clients when leveraging research that includes guidelines on sharing research methodology and sample size.


Customer Evidence Methodology

UserEvidence works with our clients to survey their customers about their experience with the client’s product or service. UserEvidence verifies the respondents as real customers of the client. We also verify the data is true, quotes from customers do not change meaning if paraphrased, and statistics are accurate. UserEvidence helps our client’s design survey questions to be clear, informative, and targeted at measuring true customer experiences and outcomes. Customer evidence produced through UserEvidence is visually verified on shared assets through our logo mark, survey respondent data, and a link. Our clients also will cite UserEvidence with statistics to show their verification.

Research Content Methodology

UserEvidence does market research on behalf of our customers in order to produce research content. This typically looks like whitepapers, thought leadership content, ‘State of’ industry data reports, benchmark reports, and more depending on the project. UserEvidence research is double-blind, in order to protect the validity and unbiased nature of respondents. UserEvidence has minimum sample sizes we pursue in research studies to ensure outcomes are trustworthy. UserEvidence clients who work with us on research content projects fund the research and take ownership of the research data gathered.

Working with UserEvidence on a research content project is not an endorsement of a client’s product or service. Research findings are not changed to endorse a product or service and favorable results cannot be purchased by the client. Research content from UserEvidence is clearly marked as gathered by UserEvidence on the front cover of the resulting content.

UserEvidence ROI Study Methodology

UserEvidence researches customer outcomes on behalf of our clients in order to produce a verified ROI Study. The study begins with learning the business, their product offering, and core KPIs that matter to both the client and their customers. Once key metrics are identified we conduct research using surveys as well as long-form customer interviews. Alongside the client we develop an ROI model based on their offering, the associated benefits, and plug in the feedback gained from customers to complete the model. The findings are analyzed to develop key takeaways for the final produced ROI Study, which is delivered in the form of a written report and data availability. UserEvidence clients who commission ROI Studies fund the research and take ownership of the research data gathered.

Working with UserEvidence on an ROI Study is not an endorsement of a client’s product or service. Research findings are not changed to endorse a product or service and favorable results cannot be purchased by the client. Research content from UserEvidence is clearly marked as gathered by UserEvidence on the front cover of the resulting content. Customers should follow the citation guidelines provided when sharing results from our ROI Studies to maintain proper brand standards and verification.


How does UserEvidence conduct its research?

UserEvidence surveys customers and operators of varying business disciplines by web survey, email, and video calls. If working with a particular client’s customers, we verify they are an active customer with the company to make sure responses are indicative of real customer feedback. For market research panels, we work with trusted industry partners to survey real industry practitioners in their field, in order to make sure our research is relevant.

What is the difference between customer evidence and research content from UserEvidence?

When clients work with UserEvidence’s core platform for customer evidence, they research within their customer base. Research Content from UserEvidence is an independent offering from our core platform that uses audience panels of industry practitioners that are not customers of our clients. This ensures relevant, accurate research without bias on research content reports. Research Content is not based on the client’s product as well, as it focuses on market trends, problems, and approach instead of how a respondent uses a product specifically. Market research through UserEvidence does not guarantee an outcome.